Sunday 1 August 2010

Latitude Festival 2010 - day 2 - Friday - Suffolk


It would be a lie to say that Friday wasn't all about food. As always, when you visit somewhere that has a large variety of different kinds of foods, you spend hours choosing what you want and try and go for the strangest thing on offer. At least thats what Joe does. I stick to reliable food stuffs that hopefully won't leave me glued to the primitive festival toilets for hours on end. For lunch Joe had haggis, neeps and tatties, mainly because he thought that they were more likely to take the crazy scottish money than any other vendor. I tried some haggis, I don't think we shall be the best of friends.

The only mussels Joe has!

Amazing hat that we saw in the comedy tent

After lunch there weren't any bands we wanted to see so we mooched over to the comedy tent, I can't remember who we saw, but they were probably quite funny - we didn't walk out anyway. While we were there, we saw the amazing hat pictured above. After while we got bored and went for a wander around the local produce stalls, most of them sold the typical crap you get see at festivals: hats, fairy wings and other things that would wouldn't buy if you were sober. However, there was one good stall that sold alpacha jumpers and ponchos! Joe really wanted one, but couldn't really justify spending £50 on a novelty item. *Sad face*.

Joe wanted this poncho

Main stage - don't know who was playing

The Word Arena, I think The National are playing

Joe and I then met up with some friends we knew and went to watch The National. I'd never heard of them, they were ok I think. After that we spent the rest of the night in the literary tent listening to tales of killer crabs.

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