This is the view from the roof of our new house - its not as scummy as you think if you go out at the right time - you can climb onto it by climbing through Socks window as the kitchen roof runs directly under it. Socks frequently goes out (especially when our electricity cuts out) but I've only ventured out once as I am a chicken.
We first decided to embark on a roof top adventure when we saw the previous tennents had been smoking out there, and Socks thought 'Well if they can do it, then so can I!'
The street behind out house - where the bins go on bin day

There are two levels of the roof as you can see from the pictures below. Socks was - I'd like to say brave but I think what I actually mean is stupid - and clambered up on to the higher part. I did not. The concrete looks like it would break your face if you landed on it, so I designated myself ambulance caller for if (more likely when) Socks crashes to the ground and paralyses himself.
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