There are many, many things about our new house that I hate. For example, the bathroom resembles some kind of underwater dungeon, the walls and floor are permanently wet, and because of this we now have mould growing anywhere it can get a foot hold. The ceiling, skirting boards, walls even the toilet roll holder has not been spared in the great mould invasion of autumn 2010. This problem has a solution: Ventilation and heat. Since I showered yesterday I made the game changing tactic of leaving the window open which dried the room out nicely - now we are leaving the window open all the time. So now although it feels like you've undertaken a trek to the antarctic when you need a wee at 3am, and its always a bit of a surprise when you can prize yourself off of the frozen toilet seat, but at least the floor isn't like a light bog and the toilet roll is dry rather than damp. Now hopefully when we scrape the mould from the walls it won't grow back.
Anyway, enough moaning, I won't complain about the rest of the house - although the living room carpet has to be seen to be believed - I'll now talk about my favourite part of the house, which is the roof. As I've mentioned before in a previous blog post we can get onto roof at the back of the house by climbing out of Sock's bedroom window, so on monday night the boys and I decided to venture on to roof and have an impromptu house warming party.
View from the roof
We took alcohol up with us - yes, I know this could have all ended in tears, but it didn't - and some snacks and had a couple of hours just sitting on the roof in the dark, till it got too cold and I went back inside. I also needed a wee, but unlike the boys I was too polite to piss off the roof and into the back 'garden' so had to go back and use a real toilet (how boring!).
Simon with the snacks and drinks

I'd never been up on the highest part of the roof before, mainly because I'm sensible (scared) but the boys were all experts as they'd been up before so stood sniggering while I tried to climb up without plummeting onto the concrete below. It felt really high up when we were on the roof - which i suppose it was - and we all had collective heart attacks when someone went too close to the edge - that person was never me, I was just imagining myself falling over the edge so I stayed in the middle.

Peeg and I on the roof
We stayed on the roof for a couple of hours, just drinking and talking, imagining what we would say to the police , if for some reason they turned up and demanded us to get down, then Si, Peeg and Sock's got all interested in the sky and pretended to be talking knowledgable about the plow etc ... I'm pretty sure non of them knew what they were talking about.
Next day I found lucozade bottles and beer cans scattered on the street below where the wind had blown them off the roof as we had been too lazy to take them down with us. Si also had to go back on the roof in the morning to retrieve his wallet.
Amateur star gazing