Wooo last day! I was more than ready to go home by this point, no washing for 4 days and I was seriously in need of some after sun and flushing toilets! Talking of toilets the ones below were the ones in our campsite, they weren't as terrible as they could have been, but they were not good on Sunday.
The lovely toilets
We met up with Ruth early, and went to watch Tom Jones who was playing a second set on the main stage at 12pm. Joe really wanted to see him play and I tagged along , but left half way through to get lunch. The show ground was practically empty and there were no queues as everyone was watching Tom Jones, he must have drawn the largest crowd of the weekend.
Below is Ruth eating her breakfast of cold beans.

Ruth eating breakfast
Crowd for Tom Jones
After Tom Jones, we had a couple of hours free and so went back to paint out lockness monster and claim our medals at The house of Fairy Tales. I think you will agree they were expertly painted.
Ruth and I painting our Loch ness Monsters
My monster
In order to obtain out medals we had to dress up and have out photos taken, below is Ruth, I laughed till I cried when I saw her dressed like this. I even smeared my face paint moustache.
To get a medal we had to dress up, this was Ruths costume

One the pictures from the photo booth. I have the original in my wallet.
After the excitement of being medal winners, Joe and I went and listened to children's story hour. Which was awesome, and I think Joe had a nap.
Childrens story time
Despite having a great weekend, I didn't think Latitude was as good as previous years. The core demographic had changed, when I went in 2008, I got the feeling that the group of 18/19/20 year olds I went with were in the minority, and that the place was over run by parents with lots of children under the age of 10. But this time, I think Latitude suffered a teen invasion, and i didn't see as many small children with their parents - there were still plenty but there were definitely more teenagers. I didn't really have a problem with them, I mean a lot of them were there just posing in sparkly new wellies that had never encountered mud before, but they didn't really get in my way.
But there was something that just wasn't right at this years event. Theres been a lot of discussion on the Latitude forums and I get the feeling that a lot of people blame the different atmosphere on the teenagers and the fact that there were more main stream headlines, and I think the majority of people want to become a smaller more exclusive and alternative festival once again. Then there were the two rapes that rocked the family friendly festival that happened on the thursday and friday nights, signs went up all over the place and apparently there was increased security. Although saying that I didn't see a single police officer all weekend.
I think I'm going to take this chance to say that I am officially retiring from festivals. I never really went to them for the music anyway, its not something I'm very interested in, but every time I go to a festival I'm always bored to tears by the live music that I don't enjoy. I prefer watching comedy etc. But combined with this fact and that I'm not very good at camping I don't think I'll be going to another one, I don't enjoy being there to justify spending almost £200 on a weekend ticket, maybe I'll just become a day tripper instead - but only if there is a band I really want to see.